Friday, February 11, 2011

Pro Cycling - Lies Lies and More Lies

When will the sport of cycling get its act together?

The picture you see in this post is of Alberto Contador. A Spanish cyclist, who along with Messieurs Armstrong and Co are dragging cycling into to the gutter, a gutter so deep it may not be able to claw its way out.

News out this morning is that Messier Contador may be about to dodge the doping bullet by, yet another legal technicality, this all makes me cringe in pain. How many times will these guys get away with it?

Does nobody care enough about the sport of cycling and its marvelously exciting spectacle of human achievement, competition and valor, enough to stand up and clean it up once and for good?

If a Corporation constantly produces poor results for shareholders, then heads ultimately roll, and fast. Well, as a vested shareholder in the great sport of cycling, I demand that heads start to roll.

The clean up can start first by doing a full investigation of the UCI (the sports governing body) over the past 15 years, investigate all of its financial transactions as well as its employees moralistic and behavioural actions over the same time period. Lets see what that shows for stage one.

Then for stage two, as a shareholder in the global sport of cycling I also demand a full investigation of all Pro Team Director Sportif's , their staff and investors, back dated for as long as they have been associated with the sport.

It is terrific that Messier Armstrong is finally being investigated by the American authorities, but I am saddened to say that the entire sport of cycling at the very top levels and beyond to all of the top teams, requires the same amount of intense scrutiny.

Then after that, once the findings are made public, maybe then and only then, will millions of people around the world who love the sport so much, who are all hoping for the highest of hopes, that one day the blue skies will once appear over a sport that has been sitting under hurricane forces winds and stormy clouds in recent years, will once again start to believe in the product.

In the mean time we will be asking sponsors why do they continue to invest in a risky, lowly moralistic sport like cycling is today at the elite level, that continues to demonstrate its inability to regulate its biggest issues.

Why does it take nearly one year for the results and outcomes of Alberto Contadors case to be resolved?. Is it because time will heal all wounds, then maybe he can be reinstated without as much fan fare and debate, to join the other snipers who pedal in the elite peleton.

Its time to seriously walk the talk, for all of those who officiate the sport at the highest of levels your clock is ticking - fast. You are all now on your own individual time trial.



Pedal Man

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